(855)837-6837 / United States

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About this number

(855)837-6837 is a Landline phone number which is located in United States. (855)837-6837 has been searched 2 times on Whoiscalls.com.
Get more information on the (855)837-6837 number, origin, and statistics based on 0 reports.

(855)837-6837 (United States)

We have received 0 reports and 2 lookups for this number (855)837-6837 and our community has given it a Dangerous caller rating based on 5 ratings. This phone number is registered as a Landline in United States.

On this page, 3 users have rated this phone number as Scam / Robocall.

The most frequently mentioned words in out users' reports include Scam / Robocall (3), Market Research (1), Other (1).

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Lasten Search :

24 March 2023

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- Jul 02 2023
Couldn't use the app for spectrum to pay my bill, go figure they are an internet company, get your XXXXXX together. I googled a phone number for Spectrum, they knew everything about my bill told me my payment would show up under Ace Net Solutions. They paid my bill with a phony account number to Spectrum, it was rejected.
- Apr 18 2023
I was looking for spectrum customer service number since the app wasnt working. Came across this website for the number to call and cancel my free trail but these scammers posing as spectrum was able to get my credit card info and charge some stuff on my account from wellen technologies
- Mar 27 2023
Posed as a spectrum billing agent. But I called Spectrum! Somehow they intecepted the call, pretended to change my plan, asked for a new credit card and then said they weren’t able to change the plan. It was billed as “Spectrum Payment Solutions” I called back Spectrum this morning and they have no record of my call or payment and they don’t use anything called Spectrum Payment Solutions. So this is a sophisticated hack.
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