(01)5745573 / Ireland

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About this number

(01)5745573 is a Landline phone number which is located in the city of Dublin in Ireland. (01)5745573 has been searched 58 times on Whoiscalls.com.
Get more information on the (01)5745573 number, origin, and statistics based on 6 reports.

(01)5745573 (Dublin, Ireland)

We have received 6 reports and 58 lookups for this number (01)5745573 and our community has given it a Dangerous caller rating based on 8 ratings. This phone number is registered as a Landline in Ireland.

On this page, 5 users have rated this phone number as Scam / Robocall.

The most frequently mentioned words in out users' reports include Scam / Robocall (5), Telemarketing (3).

Sum Of Searchs


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Lasten Search :

06 February 2024

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- Jul 08 2023
Total scam. A man claiming to be named Alan from Eir with a strong British accent trying to offer better deals. Knew first line of my address and my full name. He sounded sketchy when my wife answered instead of me. Tried to offer another mobile phone for my son when I declined he just hung up. We knew instantly it was a scam. Real Eir, why can't you stop this???
- May 25 2023
Scam call from a woman with an English accent. Got frustrated when I asked why the XXXXXX would she need my security question answers to talk about "offers I am not availing of"
- May 25 2023
Male - strong UK accent. Claiming to be Eir to see if he could offer me a better deal. Asked if I had any other mobile users in my house that I wanted to add on and when I said no, he ended the call and thanked me for my time. I think if I had of said yes he would have tried to scam me for card details possibly.
- May 12 2023
Lady with strong English accent, but barely could read out my address properly (I pointed that to her). She wasn't to pushy or asking for money, so I can't definitely say was a spam call but definitely was a strange phone call. She had my details anyway....
- Apr 18 2023
Said they are calling in relation to my eir account Female with english accent
- Mar 05 2023
Even if it is Eir, they're very annoying, several calls weekly. Need to block sadly. 🚫
- Mar 05 2023
Pretending to be from Eir and asking how many mobile phone users are in the house
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